Crackme - SekaiCTF2024


Reverse the application --> Discover multiple bad practices in the login implementation --> get the credentials from said bad implementation --> intercept the traffic --> flag

This CTF was part of SekaiCTF2024 reversing category, and was rated 2 stars:

The challenge starting page

To start we are given an apk. Let’s run it using any emulator, i used Genymotion here:

Running app in emulator

We can try common credentials but nothing seems to work. All apks are essentially archives, so we can unzip and also decompile the code inside it with a tool like apktool:

apktool d -f -r CrackMe.apk

(d for decompile, -f for force to overwrite destination directory, -r do not decode resources. I went with -r because the binary wouldn't recompile otherwise(and this is a react native app as you will see so we dont need the java code), but you could omit it as patching isnt necessary to complete the challenge.

After decompiling we eventually find what we’re looking for, the logic of the program, in ./CrackMe/assets/ The obfuscated js code

Now I know this could’ve been easier by using a react native deobfuscator, but it was my first time working with this tech so I just went with the javascript deminifier

finding email in clean code

Now, by searching for the keyword sekai we find a valid hardcoded email (very bad practice) as well as the AES encryption key used for passwords and another hardcoded hashed credential (bad cause we have the key)

finding hashed pass finding Key and IV for AES

We can now retrieve the original password like so: (Website used)

decrypting AES

So far we know:

Password: s3cr3t_SEKAI_P@ss

Now lets try these in the app:

almost there!

Well thats disappointing, but what I also noticed by scrutinizing the valid login branch of the code, is that when this alert pops up, a request in the background is made to retrieve info from the path /user/ + + /flag. So our mission now is to intercept that traffic and see what’s happening in the background

Now I won’t go into this in great detail, but the tutorial I followed to get it working is here.

In short, the app uses SSL pinning to make it hard for us to capture the traffic, which means that when the app detects our burp certificate that we use to intercept requests, it stops and doesn’t transmit any data. The solution is to inject javascript code (with something like frida) into the client in such a way that we bypass the certificate pinning:

Bypassing ssl pinning

Entering the credentials into the app and turning burps intercept mode on We can see the following conversation:

Burp intercepted traffic Burp intercepted more traffic

It initiates a websocket connection and then starts requesting data, like the flag:

Burp intercepted the flag!

And we get back the flag from the server:

Finding the flag